
HII!!! Names Iditas C. Many just call me Cami as a nickie ^_^ Looking out for ppl of same interest! my IRC is always open 4 every1!! >_<

CAMPING!! coding (html in specifics!! >w<), browsing forums, speaking wth new ppl!! ohh how I wish to make games.. i code on my freetime!!! But i gotta leanr new programs.... I LUV writing fanfiction!! esp with my fav medias, i do LOTZ with women, i cnt tell my dad that though >_o I hve a turtle named lottie!! i found her outside and she seemed to cold.. IDK how old she is.. but she loves eating cabage!! thats... all she really east other than roaches.... I camp with my mama every weekend!! Sometimes we hike to the highets points we can get to.. thast where i found lottie! >W<

- JAN 12, 2012 !!-

HELLOOOO!!!! >w< JUST ADDING A LITTLE FILLER 4 THE BLOG!! It's been SOOOOOO busy at school this week :cc Been thinking abt things to add but NOTHING COOL HAS HAPPENED YET ToT week is soo blehh..

- JAN 13, 2012 !!! -

OMGGG im SOO pissed rite now. I was like, writing a little one shotter in class righttt like, there was nothing i could do! it was soo boring i had to! But mrs springer just, ughhh she TOOK my notebook away!! Like, i was using tht?? th girls behind me seem to watch what i do often,i dontthink the stuff i do would be uper intersting to them XD or maybe so.. cant judge a book by its cover >_O Maybe theyll speak 2 me!! One of them is sooo totes pretty, i wish i looked like her!

- JAN 15, 2012 !! -

I TOTES FORGOT ABT THIS IM SO SRRY!!! schools been SO packed this week so far and its sooo BORING... freshman year SUX! Only a few months away from summer, counting down alreadyy i NEEDD something to look forward to XDD OMG so my mama like, suprised me with a small haul she did!! and oh my GOSH are these fits just SO cute, ughhh i wish my hair was a bette r texture id LOVE to tease it to the side a little ToT Im soo excited to wear these tmrw im going to stick out SO much XD